Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sign of the times

I went grocery shopping this morning at the usual place. We get 95% of our food at the Food Basics about 3 block away. And then I notice it, the brand spanking new organics section.

Now for those of you unfamiliar with Food Basics it's one of those low budget grocery chains, the kind where you have to buy bags and you get to rummage through boxes to carry your stuff home. Not a fancy type of place at all. But now there is a section where you can get organic canned tomatoes and frozen soy cheese pizza.

And I am not talking a few shelves of dusty brown rice pasta that no one buys, this is a nice clean section right in the middle of the store. With freezer space and lots of selection.

I know that Loblaws and the like have had organic sections for a while now, but I never expected to see it in my regular place.

On another topic, I have somehow made it to 27 years of age and never cooked a corned beef. I am remedying that today. The beef is in the slow cooker. The Dad and the Husband will have it for dinner tonight. I will get leftovers.

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